According to figures published by the European advocacy group, the unemployment rate in France for young people under the age of 25 has risen to 17.4% since January 2023, that is, above the European average of around 15%. In response to increasing unemployment, the training organization L’Industreet has been offering, since 2020, a range of totally free training courses for 18-30 year olds looking to work in various industrial sectors.
Acutely aware of the new challenges of promoting qualifications and individual skills, L’Industreet contacted BCdiploma to see to the digitalization of the training organization’s credentials, and therefore facilitate the integration of its trainees into the labor market of today.
L’Industreet: a training organization that boosts the employability of young people

The L’Industreet concept
L’Industreet is a training organization created by the TotalEnergies Foundation at the end of 2020 to promote the employability of young adults aged from 18 to 30. Certified to the training standard Qualiopi, L’Industreet offers numerous technical and management courses for such fields as manufacturing, production line automation and maintenance, solar panel and plant maintenance and installation, the digitalization of installations and equipment, and so on.
All of the training courses offered by L’Industreet are completely free, and are addressed to all profiles, without any prior education requirements.
Training and certificates
In addition to providing all kinds of technical training and professional certifications, L’Industreet trains all of its trainees in workplace first aid and allows them to obtain all the necessary electrical permits for their professions, in order to facilitate their immediate integration into the labor market.
What were L’Industreet’s needs in terms of Open Badges?

Valuing hard skills and soft skills
For today’s world of work, technical skills are not the only skills what are sought after in a candidate, and L’Industreet has understood this very well indeed. Faced with the rising demand for soft skills in the hiring criteria of companies and organizations, L’Industreet wanted a way for the personal and soft skills of its trainees to stand out as much as their professional qualifications. While traditional paper diplomas and certificates generally neglect to show individual, personal and micro skills, Open Badges are a great way of integrating such skills directly into the graduation and certification process.
Simplifying graduation processes to boost employability
L’Industreet has now said goodbye to paper diplomas that gather dust and cost a fortune to print and send out! Facilitating the presentation of credentials to recruiters and therefore giving a boost to employability, Open Badges offer enormous advantages and added value in being quickly and easily shared on social media and in digital CVs.
The training organization also wanted to give a boost to the motivation of its learners by creating a graduation process capable of transcribing and communicating all the hard and soft skills a future employee could want in nothing more than a simple click.
BCdiploma at the service of a successful digital transformation

The solution provided to L’Industreet by BCdiploma
To bring L’Industreet’s digital transformation project to life, BCdiploma designed a dual physical and digital diploma solution, offering a QR code carrying business card that, once scanned, reveals all the Open Badges, skills and qualifications acquired by the learner. These credentials are then kept safe and secure in a special “digital wallet”, or “digital safe”. Launched quickly, thanks to the responsiveness of BCdiploma’s teams, this project benefited from a ready-to-use platform easily customized and rapidly integrated with all the various qualifications and skills sets.
What impact has the shift to digital credentials had for L’Industreet?
Thanks to the digitalization of its diplomas, L’Industreet has been able, in its own words, to offer “enriched qualification certificates that highlight the entire career path of graduates, a real Skills Passport before its time.” This enrichment comes with a system for easily sharing the qualifications on social media and immediately verifying the identity of their holders. It also offers a clickable logo directed straight to the training organization’s own website.
Open Badges are a tool of the future for higher education and training organizations. Encouraging their adoption by organizations such as L‘Industreet allows BCdiploma to promote this state-of-the-art digital solution and to bring its use to the masses.
To learn more about our micro-credentials and turnkey technical solutions, book your demo with our team, or contact us on our website via the contact form!