How BCdiploma helped Montpellier Business School save 110h/year in their credentialing management

  • 5,000+ certificates issued
  • 98% reduction in staff time spent on certificates
    (verification, issuance of attestation or lost diplomas…)
  • Improved the employability of students upon completion of their program
BCdiploma micro credentials
MBS Credential
MBS Credential Desktop

The Organization

With more than 3600 students, Montpellier Business School (MBS) is a leading international, inclusive and responsible management school that helps talented individuals to become leaders in the responsible economic transformation of companies.

MBS is one of the very few business schools (1%) in the world to hold the three most prestigious international accreditations and has been ranked 51th best Master in Management worldwide by Financial Times in 2023.


Before implementing BCdiploma, Montpellier Business School (MBS) relied solely on paper-based processes for diploma issuance, leading to significant challenges.

The primary issue was the lengthy duration of the diploma printing and issuance process, which could extend up to six months after a student's graduation. This delay often resulted in dissatisfaction among graduates entering the job market. Many faced demands from potential employers for the original of their diplomas.This was especially problematic for students seeking employment abroad or in certain sectors like banking and finance, which account for more than 25% of MBS's graduates.

Consequently, MBS was forced to issue temporary diploma attestations on demand—a time-consuming process that required significant administrative effort (up to 1 FTE for a month) and led to further student dissatisfaction due to recruitment processes being put on hold.

110 hours
Annual workload
w/ Traditional Certificates

2 hours
Annual workload
w/ BCdiploma

BCdiploma has been a game-changer for us and our students. We are now able to issue digital and verifiable certificates immediately, whereas previously, students had to wait 6 months to receive their paper diploma. This delay was a significant inconvenience during their job search processes and greatly affected their satisfaction.
Thanks to BCdiploma, we're saving over 110 hours annually, on average. Gone are the days of handling incoming requests for diploma verification and reissuing lost diplomas!
BCdiploma is very easy to use. With just 3 clicks, I can import my data from Orion and then generate my certificates.
Oscar Castellana, Chief Operating Officer at Montpellier Business School

Reduction of staff time spent issuing and managing certificates

Pos Linkedin MBS

The Results

By adopting BCdiploma and sending out digital, verifiable attestations immediately after the confirmation of diploma attainment, Montpellier Business School has seen a significant improvement in both student satisfaction and employability.

The time invested in responding to inquiries from recruiters and employers wanting to verify diplomas, issuing replacement diplomas for alumni, and providing pre-graduation ceremony diploma attestations has been dramatically reduced from 110 hours to just 2 hours, resulting in a remarkable 98% reduction in time spent on these activities.

Furthermore, MBS's proactive communication about these digital certificates has led to a substantial increase in the sharing of diplomas on professional social networks. This strategic move has not only boosted the school's brand image but has also enhanced its visibility in the educational and professional landscape.